Table of Contents
Penguicon 2011 Concom Meeting
August 7, 2010
Meeting officially started at 10:07pm
- Limey Zrnich - ConChair
- Jer Lance - Facilities
- Kylia Zrnich - Hospitality
- Aaron Thul - Registration
- Amanda Long-Adams - Treasurer
- Christine Bender - Operations
- Jen Toby - Gaming Track
- Shawn McGraw - Gaming assistant
- James Hice - Community
- Sparrow Slovik - Eco Track
- Tim Slovik - Life Track
- Sheryl Bradakis - Masquerade
- Randy Bradakis - Marketing & Sponsorship
- Trevor Jagoda - HotelLiaison
- Jamie Liss - representing a DJ
- Ron Blanchett - Webmaster
- Nicole Yates - Assistant to the Conchair
- Mark Szlaga - BEER!
- Courtney Galloway - Literature Track
- Chris Catlett - Computer Lounge
- Ed Chaltron - Registration
- Joe Bender - Technical Dweeb!!!
- Tracy Pegg
- Marah Tynan
There is no agenda
Individual Reporting
Jer Lance
- Hotel Stuff
Kylia Zrnich
- Total staff of 6 with one opening left
- Same hospitality suite as last year
- Can beer move?
Aaron Thul
- Not here
Bill Korsak
- Not here
Amanda Long-Adams
- Need a copy of the budget
- Limey will pass on the budget
- Needs expense form on the wiki
- Jer will do this today
Christine Bender
- Total staff of 14, Still need staff
- Needs permissions to edit the wiki
- Will email Limey asking about staff list
- Limey will respond to that email
Limey Zrnich
Jen Toby
- Needs staff
- Needs a password reset
- Working on gettin the Gencon library for our con
James Hice
- Working on a 30 October halloween party at i3 Detroit
- SMOS Dinners
- Need volunteers
- James will make a Google Spreadsheet and form and publicize
Sparrow Slovik
- Need massage therapists
- Looking at local spas
- Likes the room from last time
Tim Slovik
- If you have life ideas…send emails to life@
Sheryl Bradakis
- Cyberpunk theme
- Jimmie P Rodgers might judge
- Backdrop should be done earlier not later
Randy Bradakis
- If you have ideas or communities for marketing, talk to Randy (marketing@ or sponsorship@)
- Randy will compile a list of conventions on the wiki that we can advertise at in some way
Trevor Jagoda
- Jer covered it
Jamie Liss
- representing a DJ
- Will compile a list of requests to pass on to the Life Track (life@)
- This includes equipment and “what can we do”
Ron Blanchett
- Website up and running
- Email is up and running
- Email webmaster@ if your email isn't working (Yes, email if your email isn't working)
- If you have a department, edit your wiki pages
Nicole Yates
- Assistant to the Conchair
Mark Szlaga
Courtney Galloway
- Waiting for approval on Nifty letters (from Limey and Bill)
- This should also be run by marketing
- Writer's Workshop will happen this year
- Nobody currently has agreed to run it, but there are strong possibles
- This can't be solidified until letters are agreed upon
Chris Catlett
- Needs staff
- Will tap MPCon's rolls first
Ed Chaltron
- Enjoys reg, looks like he'll go again…the fool!!!
Others in Attendance
Next Meetings
- September 26th ConCom…12pm Gathering, 1pm Start…Tentatively at the Marriott
SMOS Dinners
- SMOS at Livonia Radisson, 13 August 2010, at ConStruct (constructacon.org)
- If you want to throw a SMOS dinner or party, please contact us at [email protected]
Meeting proper adjourned at 11:32am by Jer.
minutes/2010-08-07-concommeeting.txt · Last modified: 2017/01/14 14:24 by