Table of Contents
Penguicon 2011 Concom Meeting
March 20, 2011
Meeting officially started at XX:XXpm
- Limey Zrnich - ConChair
- Jer Lance - Facilities
- Bill Korsak - Programming
- Kylia Russel - Hospitality
- Aaron Thul - Registration
- Amanda Long-Adams - Treasurer
- Christine Bender - Operations
- Sheryl Bradakis (Masquerade)
- Matt Arnold (Publications and Signage)
- Randy Bradakis (Sponsorship and Marketing and Liaison for Mitch/Jimmie)
- David Adams (Webcomics and Artist's Alley)
- Dan Eckard (Logistics)
- Gib (LUG Wrangler!!)
- Shar Nims (Consuite)
- John Davis (Gaming)
- Cassandra Neff (Gaming)
- Heather (Kylia's cute little taxi)
- Ryan Carey (Video Game Track)
- James Hice (Community)
- Nikki (Entourage)
- Sparrow (Eco Track)
- Timothy James Slovik Esq. (After Dark, Life, Food, Costuming, Film)
- Anna H-P (Volunteers)
- Ossy (Networking Stuff)
- Alex Drummer's Brother (Sanderson Liaison)
- Angie Foxx (Dealer's Room & T-Shirts)
- Jamie Liss (Charity Auction)
- Springer (Charity Auction / DJ)
- Trevor Jagoda (Slacker…Hotel Second, Programming Second, Second Second, 2012 First)
- Chris Catlett (Commputer Lounge)
- Jim Fulner (Present and Whatever we can rope you into)
- Suzanne Fulner (Entourage)
Wedding at Penguicon
- Having a mass wedding before closing ceremonies on Sunday
- If you are interested, contact life@
Frontalot concert
- Thursday free show gleaners/ forgotten harvest
- Free with membership to Penguicon!
- James will set up a reservation form…first emailed, first served
- Aaron will provide registrant list to Sken weekend before
- Staff will check IDs on entry
- 8pm Concert
- Aaron will be helping with A/V on Thursday.
Events that we will need Howard for
- Toastmaster (Jer Loves Toast!)
- Thursday
- Frontalot Concert
- Friday
- Opening Ceremony
- Last Year's Conchair Roast
- Saturday
- Masquerade
- Rock Band Rockoff
- Auction (Maybe sunday)
- Sunday
- Closing Ceremony
Web Conference
- MDLug wants to run a web server and allow web conferencing INTERNAL
- Allows people to stream events live
- Currently doesn't record…might be able to
- Network would just host their server
GoH Dinner
- Dinner in house
- 6pm start
- RSVP hotel@ with a count of attendees if you wish to attend
- Buy your own dinner you cheap FUCKERS
Individual Reporting
- If you haven't turned in expenses, you aren't going to get paid.
- Snoop doggy dog gotta get a jobby job
- Update your wiki section if you want cash
- Need to see the fridge/freezer during walkthrough
- Appear to be fully staffed
- LN2:
- Jer will get LN2
- Dairy stuff ordered through consuite
- All is well.
- 117 programming items with some track heads outstanding
- Life
- Eco
- Gaming
- Music
- Deadline is on the 25th
- Less than 100 rooms left
- Email me if you want shit
- Artist's Alley
- Food and Eco rooms in the same location as they were
- Same setup for Reg as last year + nw cable to satellite location
- For special requests email no later than Easter Sunday (24 April)
- Badge Art
- Randy is going to verify that we can use last year's art
- Staff lists need to be submitted to Aaron as a simple listing
- First Name, Last Name, Badge Name, Email
- Angie (Dealers)
- T-Shirts
- If you pre-order your shirt, you get it at $5 off if you are staff and concom
- Deadline Friday 25th
- Email dealers@
- Jamie (Auction)
- Have bid sheets in hall near ops?
- Springer (DJ)
- Info about A/V for dance, Springer will contact Aaron
- Andrew (Brandon's Liaison)
- If you need stuff from Brandon, email Andrew asap
- drummera04@yahoo
- Anna H-P (Volunteers)
- Ask for what you need asap!
- Check the wiki
- Tim (Life and all)
- LN2 is it's own budgetary thing
- Food products come out of food track budget
- Sparrow (Eco)
- Needs to communicate with Marketing to advertise the bring-your-own-badge-holder raffle
- No masseuses :(
- If you know of someone that might be willing to volunteer massage hours, they can get staff benefits for doing so
- Spread the word
- Ryan (Video Games)
- Rock band rock off needs equipment
- Jer should contact Jordan about that
- Gib (Video conferencing)
- Among people that submit usable video, the person that submits the most usable video gets a free membership to next year
- Dan (Logistics)
- Need new plastic sheeting (hotel's budget)
- Need to coordinate with Aaron and Consuite to arrange truck schedule
- Randy (S & M)
- Jer should contact monster….
- Matt (Publications)
- Needs bios badly
- Scott (Frontalot)
- Video game panels
- A/V needs with Aaron
- Tabletop gaming panels
- Vols/Staff
- Chris (Network Wrangler)
- Bring the CRTs from truck
- Sheryl (Masquerade)
- Nobody for half time show
- 15-20 minute skit or something
- 8pm-ish on Saturday
Next Meetings
- Apr 9th ConCom…Noon meeting, 2pm walkthrough (Troy Marriott)
Meeting proper adjourned at 3:48pm by Jer.
minutes/2011-03-20-concommeeting.txt · Last modified: 2017/01/14 14:24 by