Table of Contents
Penguicon 2010 Concom Meeting
December 12, 2010
Meeting officially started at 4:18pm
- Randy Bradakis - ConChair
- Jer Lance - Facilities
- Bill Korsak - Programming
- Kylia Zrnich - Hospitality
- Aaron Thul - Registration
- Amanda Long-Adams - Treasurer & Room Parties
- Bob Brodis (Ops Staff)
- Sheryl Bradakis (Masquerade)
- Anna Held-Petrak (Volunteers)
- Ryan Carey (Video Game Track)
- Randy Bradakis
- Mark Themmul
Next Meetings
- No January Meeting.
- February: 20th at Noon at the Troy Marriott
- Randy needs ads for Metro Times and Real Detroit
- Still needs a graphics person
- 1 February deadline for graphics contest
GoHs -
- Still need liaison for Mitch Altman/Jimmie Rogers
- Will start evaluating Hack of Honor in January
Charity Auction -
- Still hasn't heard back from Child's Play
- If they don't hear back by end of December, they will move to another charity
Programming -
- Still need to get programming@ forwarded properly to Bill.
Website -
- Website is up and running.
- Waiting on email service control so that can be configured
- New website demo will happen at the end of the meeting
Consuite -
- Beer Trolls have to be staff
- All will be trained
- All will sign off on a policy document
- Need times for concierge lounge
- Beer across the hall
Operations -
- Nothing to report
Volunteers -
- Anna has never actually been asked by Operations
- Is Anna running Volunteers
Registration -
- Nothing to report…acquired some laptops
Treasurer -
- We have spent $2,200 in Marketing
- We are getting fees on our credit cards that need be looked into
Hotel -
- Documents up on wiki from last year
- Please review and post changes to me
- Sound layout for big-top needs to be addressed with Aaron and his dad
- ConCom email me room requirements
- Liaisons need to send me information about the room requirements of their GoHs
- GoH Dinner in Hotel Restaurant
Open Floor
- Why is Linux underrepresented this year
Meeting proper adjourned at 17:29pm by JER.
minutes/2010-12-12-concommeeting.txt · Last modified: 2017/01/14 14:24 by