Table of Contents
Penguicon 2010 Concom Meeting
March 6, 2010
Meeting Announcement
06 March 2010 at Troy Marriott. Pre-meeting at noon, meeting promptly starts at 1pm.
Meeting officially started at 1:10pm
- Randy Bradakis - ConChair
- Jer Lance - Facilities
- Trevor “Helmut Newton” Jagoda - Programming
- Micki Hedden - TalentWrangler
- Chuck Child - Hospitality
- Brian Decker - Registration
- Amanda Long-Adams - Treasurer
- Mara Tynan - Operations
- Limey Zrnich (Costuming)
- Jamie Liss (Dealer)
- Mark Szlaga (Beer)
- Jo James (Dealer)
- Richard Harrel (Science)
- Matt Arnold (Program Book)
- Angie Fox (Dealer Wrangler)
- Dan Eckerd (Logistics)
- Ryan Carey (Video Track)
- Anna Held-Petrak (Volunteers)
- Ron Blanchett (Mailing List)
- James Hice (I'm with Sarah)
- Sarah Slovik (Eco Track)
- Shar Nims (Consuite)
- Mark Lennigan (GWG)
- Brian Decker (Registration with Yanni)
- Yanni Kuznia (Literature Track)
- Nate Blkdldvjmlv (i3Detroit)
- Joe Bender (i3Detroit)
- Christine Bender (Operations)
- Melanie Brooks (DIY Track)
- Sheryl Bradakis (Masquerade & Knitting)
- Breaking down the Operations Job into right-sized pieces.
- We'll come back to this. Randy will talk to Marah and stop putting nonsense in the minutes
- The last part of that was a lie.
- Relationship status ribbons?
- We shall order
- Need to address harassment, part of another topic
- Check the badger ribbon wiki page for our currently planned ribbon order, note any issues immediately
- Volunteers: 100 “Penguin” White on Black
- Geeks with Guns: 30 “Bang! Bang!” Gold on Black
- Masquerade Judge: 10 “I'm Judging You” Blue on Red
- i3 Detroit: “I build stuff” White on Blue
- Rock Band Rock Off: 50 “I like to Rock off!” Red on Black
- Rock Band Finalists: 15 “Rock Harder” Gold on Black
- Maddog's Challenge (If not covered by Sarah)
- He still hasn't responded to Matt
- We are going to take the ball and run with it
- Randy and Ron are going to resolve a game of hot potato and find the slides and pass them on to Sparrow
- Yoooooomacon = Anime? Or do we do it ourselves? ConChair vs. ConChair, BATTLE!
- This is almost entirely scheduled, etc
- He will contact Trevor to resolve any outstanding questions
- DJ For the Dance, etc…
- There are a few possibilities that will need to contact Randy asap if they want to be considered
- Illuminatus 2.x at our show
- Perhaps they can do the light show for the dance that may or may not happen
- Anna needs two people
- one to be at the table
- one to actively search for volunteers and send them to the table.
- Emailed concom with requests for volunteer needs
- Send Anna times when people are needed or you will not get any volunteers
- Dimension/Layout for Concierge
- What dimensions/how many stage sections
- Dimensions of usable space outside Denn 3/4
- Board room table size/chair count
- BoF/Small shit
- Craft area dimensions/table/chair count
- Outdoor area dimensions
- Need layouts from:
- Networking (Athens)
- Outdoor panels (if any)
- Anime/Film
- LN2
- Eco Track
- Consuite (if they need any changes)
- Broadcasting booth (if they need any changes)
- Are any function rooms *not* lockable. Need to secure a key for me and/or Ops
- What size are the televisions in the guest rooms, and can we hook systems up to them?
Souvenir Book
- Presenting the paper draft
- photo for i3Detroit
- Nate will send that in
- longer bio for Zonker
- Perhaps from the community?
- “Joe Brockmeier Facts”?
- Like Chuck Norris Facts
- But hopefully containing at least one fact
- Jer will see if that is okay with having someone else write his bio “fictionally”
- Things Randy has to get to Matt
- Conchair Report – Randy Bradakis
- When will this happen? F-ing never
- Ops info – Randy Bradakis, Jer Lance
- Hotel info –Jer Lance, Trevor Jagoda
- Chaos Machine info? – Trevor Jagoda
- Trevor gave one to Matt arguably
- Rules – Randy Bradakis
- Concom list – Randy Bradakis
- very few ads at this point. What other ad commitments does Matt need to be told about?
- Angie will forward an email about a potential ad to Matt
Individual Reporting
Helmut "Trevor" Newton
- Micki is going to forward to Matt the Nifties that are missing
- Also going work on the picture thing by sending an email to all nifties asking for print quality photos
- We have stuff on the events page asap
- Nothing to report
- Shopping list has been updated several times
- Nate Bezanson - Liaison for i3Detroit
- Needs email addresses for all Nifties
- Will pass names on to Trevor to pass on to track heads
- Please turn in receipts and requests for money at meetings. Not at con
- There will be a schedule for reimbursements at-con
- Lanyards
- Jer
- Needs Discount Admissions List
- Randy is maintaining
- Will be provided to Brian preliminarily today
- There is a registration party at Aaron's house to enter stuff
- Bring your own computer
- Needs Dealer's List
- Angie will send prelim list today
- If you have signage needs, [email protected]
- Anna
- Can we kill Whuffie?
- Volunteers manage their own sheet, staff signs off on sheet at the end of a work shift
- Has to be called a Wuukie(TM)
- Yanni
- UPDATE THE BLOODY WIKI (emphasis mine)
Next Meetings
- April 10th ConCom meeting Troy Marriott 12-3 Walkthrough to follow
SMOS Dinners
- SMOS at Doma Decker today, March 6th, 5-8 (ConCom meeting attendees may attend earlier?)
- If you want to throw a SMOS dinner or party, please contact us at [email protected]
Meeting proper adjourned at 2:25pm by Jer Lance.
minutes/2010-03-06-concommeeting.txt · Last modified: 2017/01/14 14:24 by