Table of Contents
WE REALLY NEED More FAQ IN HERE. TO DO: Incorporate FAQs from 2015 Penguicon web site
#1 FAQ's:
Q: What are the Official Dates for Penguicon this year (2013)?
A: Penguicon 2013 will be held April 26, 27, 28 2013
Q: Where will Penguicon 2013 be held at?
A: Penguicon 2013 will be held at Auburn Hills Marriott Pontiac at Centperpoint Hotel. (Ten minutes from Troy Marriott). It's physical location is: 3600 Centerpoint Parkway Pontiac, Michigan, USA 48341 and you can find out further information about our hotel here: Auburn Hills Marriott Pontiac at Centerpoint
Q: I went to the website at but it has some old information on it. Is there even going to be a Penguicon this year?
A: Yes there is! Each year the website remains the way it was just before Penguicon started. After Penguicon that old website remains until the next years ConCom is ready to revamp and re-launch it to reflect the upcoming Penguicon's information. Give us some time, we'll get that website changed!
Email FAQ's:
Q:I need to email [Insert Department Here] about an idea, suggestion, problem or question. Where can I get their email address?
A: Short Answer: The ConCom Wiki Page.
Q: I want to make sure I get the responses I expect from my email and on targeted subjects rather than off topic stuff. I really need the correct answers from the right people, what can I do?
A: Make sure you follow emailing best practices found on the CommunicationsBestPractices page, then locate the correct department head of the ConCom and email them!
Q: Can't I just email you at your personal email address about my Penguicon Idea, suggestion, problem, or question?
A: Please don't. Penguicon Business deserves to be handled by emails. Our ConCom and Staff work very hard and receive numerous correspondences. To keep Penguicon Business together in one spot, we provide email addresses for certain positions. Sending them a Facebook message, a Tweet, or a personal email is not the recommended method for assuring your needs have been heard, your concerns addressed or your events confirmed here at Penguicon.
General FAQ's:
Q: Why doesn't Penguicon have "The-best-coolest-epic thing" in the program schedule, consuite, etc.?
A: Maybe because you didn't volunteer to make it happen or suggest & volunteer soon enough! Our entire convention is run by Volunteers. There are only so many things, so many volunteers can do in so much time. We love new ideas and suggestions, but without new volunteers to help bring new things, we can only do so much, with so little, for so long!
ConSuite FAQ's:
Q: Where are the paper plates?
A: Somebody stole them in 2012. I'm still bitter, use a napkin ;)