PenguiCon 2010 Tech Track Head - Bradley McMahon
Job Description
-accepts or declines offers to do Tech Presentation's at PenguiCon, and solicits more of them from the OpenSource and hardware hacking community if necessary.
-asks people to be on tech-related Panel Discussion's and gives the names of them and all Tech Presenters to PreRegistration so they get their discount rate.
-works with the HeadOfProgramming to fit the events into the schedule.
-before the convention tells tech-related Program Participants what day, time and room they are expected to show up for their scheduled events.
-collects short descriptive ProgramBook blurbs from the tech-related Program Participants, or writes them.
This side of the convention is full of such enthusiasm, it practically puts itself together. We need somebody familiar enough about the subjects to know what would be more interesting to techies, and to keep it from being too unbalanced toward one subject.