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Scott Kennedy

By day, Scott Kennedy produces, directs and edits video for various purposes through his company, Strudel Town Disco creative.

By night, he croons lovingly into the mike for karaoke, destroys delicious dinners at local restaurant Green Cedar, and tinkers with electronics, photography, and his raised-bed garden.

For Penguicon 2009, he was the Guest of Honor liason for Jane McGonigal, which followed his first official staff stint as GoH liason for Cory Doctorow at that year's ConFusion. In 2010, he teamed up with the mighty Melanie Brooks to design the first ever D.I.Y. track at Penguicon.

A month after 2010's Penguicon, he married his geeky sweetheart, Lucy, who later went on to chair ConFusion 2013.

For 2013 and 2014, Scott Kennedy was be in charge of Marketing for Penguicon, and was also the Head of Communications. In 2015, he took on Assistant Chair and Head of Communications. Please contact him at any time if you have questions he can answer or great ideas for how to get and keep people interested in this amazing convention.

email: [email protected]

people/scottkennedy.txt · Last modified: 2017/01/14 14:24 by