Table of Contents
Penguicon Concom Meeting 4 April 2009
- Aaron Thul – Registration
- Amy Zrnich – Food Track
- Angie Fox - Dealer Room
- Bill Korsack – Gaming
- Bill Putt – Signs, Music Head
- Chick Tower – Brazilian Beef
- Chuck Child – Producer
- Dan Ramirez – Video Game Track
- Dan Deslover – Program book
- Courtney Galloway – Literature Track
- Garrett Kajmovicz – Ops, Geeks with Guns
- James Hice – Eco track assistant
- Jer Lance – Hotel liaison, hospitality, lots of other stuff
- Jess Zerwas – Treasurer
- Kristine Blanchett - Photographer
- Limey Zrnich – Costume Track, Construction
- Matt Arnold – Chair
- Molly le Blanc – Talent Wrangler
- Rachel Weisenfeld – Life track
- Randy Bradakis – Scheduling Wrangler
- Ron Blanchett – Web Tech
- Sarah Slovik – Eco track
- Chris Wordsmith(?) – Lights
- Greg – observer
- Bill Massen observer
- Nicole Yates – Former volunteer
- Peter Smith – Computer Lounge
- Nick, with Jess
- Dave Adams – Webcomics Track
- Gerald Gentry – Last year's convention chair
- Steve DeHart – Consuite
- Currently we have just over 400 pre-registrations.
- Looking good for having a completely paperless registration this year.
- Still a few scheduling windows for staff. (4 hours left to fill)
- Last opportunity to let Ops know if you need them to do something. Let Garrett know by Monday, or the answer will be no.
- Jess is writing checks. See her if you need reimbursements.
- No update on how much we've made in registrations.
- Jess needs to know how much cash to have on hand at the convention. Send Jess an email why, as well as a description of what is needed.
- For feeding GoHs: liaisons need to talk to GoHs to determine whether the GoH prefers to spend their own money and get reimbursed rather than the liaison paying for them directly and getting reimbursed, as normal. If so, do they/the liaison prefer to have cash up front for the weekend, or do they/the liaison prefer to use their own cards & then get reimbursed. If that is the case, overage needs to be giveback, and receipts are required.
Brazilian Beef
- As of Wed., there were 157 people pre-registered.
- Planning for 450 servings.
- Still looking for more people to cook. The more volunteers there are, the fewer hours each needs to work.
- All dealers have paid ($2500+), and checks have been given to Jess.
- 17 dealers in the room, and another 18 dealers that had asked for tables.
- Noted: we do have limited access to the service elevator on Friday for setting up. Just let Jer know so that this can be coordinated.
- T-shirts, including those that were pre-ordered, will be available in the Dealer room.
- Need to finalize what we are paying & for how much. (value system)
- If you need volunteers, weigh in on rates.
- Current: 1 wuffie per 1 hour of work for crash space (first come, first served). 3 wuffies/hours for Brazilian Beef. 6 hours for registration reimbursements. Discussion ensued regarding whether this rate is too low.
- Limited number of next year registrations, t-shirts, bronze medal available. Have a bit of a competition for making these awards.
- Have digital photo prints w/ people's names to have a leader board charting hours over the weekend to let people know where they stand.
- Recommend that quantities be limited for awards, be on a first come, first serve basis, and be budgeted in advance. Publish that there are limits, but don't publish the specific number of each limit– this gives us the ability to decide at the time which reward to cut off if there is a high demand for it, to preserve the ability to give out the other rewards.
- Further discussion will be off line.
- Looking for GoH liaisons. Matt has been sending out requests, but has received a number of polite rejections. If you know of someone who is reliable & available, email Matt.
- Airline tickets are largely purchased.
- Need to get higher resolution pictures & longer bios for each GoH for the program book.
- If you need large signs, contact Bill.
- Bill was hoping to purchase his own cricket this year. A cricket is an x-y potter that cuts vinyl, and can cut up to .25 inch. Downside is that you can only print on cartridges that you have to buy.
However, he has a program that can let you cut absolutely anything. Kristine Blanchett has a cricket that we will ask to borrow, and see if it is the right kind. We seek more contributors to purchase one for conventions to use permanently. The funds raised would need to be $200.
- Cable (CCTV) looks like it will happen. 95% chance we'll be able to broadcast on the CCTV. Planning a prototype for the April 25th meeting.
- Hotel is full.
- There are going to be, periodically, one or two rooms opening up over the next couple of weeks. Jer will let the list know if/when we have rooms available.
- There remain 8 smoking rooms, and 0 smokers left. These will go to 8 people who are accepting of smoking rooms, or the last 8 people to check into the hotel. Smoking rooms are located on the 6th floor, which is also the party floor.
- Layouts are remarkably close to being 100% solid. If you haven't looked at them recently, do so. Jer has received one edit this week. Only notable addition is that Monster will be in the Consuite & will be supplying energy drinks all weekend. Monster will be the exclusive energy drink provider.
- Jer will be turning in rooms on Thursday. If you haven't submitted a room requirement, you can still submit up until then, but it most likely will not be met at this point.
- Pool is ours until 3 AM. For those who have balcony rooms, do not throw things off the balcony into the pool.
- In public areas, please wear shoes. Dress code to be published in program book.
- There are more clings & ad cards (which have Spider Robinson and a wrong URL) available.
- Jer will post an updated flier.
- We are getting a pair of ads in the Metro Times. Two ads in the “Best of Detroit” issue. One up front, and one in the Night & Day section. In the front: standard blurb. In the Night & Day: push the nightlife aspect. For that, Jer needs a visual background that will pop in a black and white ad. Looking to have pre & post articles written up here as well. Email pictures that are creative commons to Jer. Does not need to be pictures just from prior Penguicons, but would prefer something from SE Michigan fandom. Needed this weekend for ad to be made on Monday.
Con Suite
- Still hammering out details at GFS. Steve has received a few emails of people looking to volunteer in the Con Suite.
- Inventory from the cube was emailed to Steve's gmail address.
Computer Lounge
- Everything under control, though we are stuck with the piano.
- Still don't know if there is any interconnect in the atrium. Where is the network drop?
- Should be able to use ITT Tech volunteers.
- Are there any events that are scheduled for this area? Right now, there's just the intro to Unix scheduled for that area.
Programming Department
- Need to know GoH limitations on hours. No GoH or Nifty specified limitations. We'll go without this answer. Randy will provide the proposed schedule to be sent to GoHs & Nifties for comment.
- All of the panels for track are in Dabble & spreadsheet.
- GoH has limitation on Sunday afternoon due to flight out.
- Only 3 panels were too large for the assigned room.
- Note: Randy needs to know all the times that GoHs are leaving on Sunday.
- Last summer, had heard that Jane M. wanted to be on a couple of lit panels, but did not hear back from S. Kennedy. She can join in where she wants,
- Verified rooms.
- Opens at 3:00 PM on Friday. Two rooms will have set hours. Two rooms will be 24 hours.
- 26 events planned.
- Room sign design - will coordinate with Bill Putt. (Daily schedule will be updated daily by Bill Putt)
Publications – Program book
- If you haven't sent an ad, but wanted to, (example; list of people sponsoring auction), need to forward information to Dan & Jer.
- Only issues: Matt is arranging for the print vendor.
- Who is doing the new fliers (to replace the postcards)? No one has been asked yet.
- Tomorrow night: deadline for programming information to go into the book. Anything after will go into errata. We may need a couple of days slack so that this can be run by GoHs for final approval.
- Anime schedule was unreadable. If not received in readable format, this will just be posted on a separate sheet.
- Panel blurbs need to be done within 24 hours to be in the program book. If no blurb is provided, Randy will write one and that's what we'll go with.
- Still need time for proof-reading. Dan to send what he has to the list for proof-reading.
GoH Dinner
- Waiting for responses from the GoHs.
- Matt will call an end to it in the next couple of days.
- We need to cap dinner. We have 5 GoHs, plus their guests & their liaisons. This dinner does count toward the $150 budgeted to each guest for food. We only cover the GoHs & their companions.
- Cap is tentatively 40. In the past, we've never capped this. If we are doing a cap, we need to publish this to the concom list.
- Matt will decide who gets to go.
- Looking for a place to have a dessert after.
Follow Up Items
- Ron –
- Email Aaron the code for Concom people to use to pre-register
- Matt –
- Discuss art for badges & Brazilian beef with Aaron after the meeting
- Determine print vendor's deadline and send it to Dan.
- Find a place to have a dessert and hang out after Thursday GoH dinner.
- Molly le Blanc -
- Provide Dan with higher resolution pictures & longer bios for each GoH for the program book.
- Purchase the last airline ticket.
- Morgan Kollin -
- Resend Anime schedule to Randy in an undamaged, readable file format
- Bill Korsak -
- Coordinate game room sign designs with Bill Putt.
- Everyone –
- Any room layout changes due this weekend to Jer.
Future Meetings
April 25th - At the hotel May 16th, , late afternoon/evening: Hand off/Kickoff Meeting
penguicon7.0/minutes/2009-04-04-concommeeting.txt · Last modified: 2017/01/14 14:24 by