Table of Contents
Penguicon ConCom Meeting Minutes January 11, 2009
- Dave Adams – Webcomic track
- Matt Arnold – Concom chair
- Allison Anderson – Social Director
- Kristine Blanchett - Photographer
- Ron Blanchett – Internet Tech
- Dan DeSloover - Publications
- Audrey Geiger -
- Trevor Jagoda – Tech Programming
- Bill Korsak – Gaming Track
- Jer Lance - Hotel, Marketing, Hospitality, Sponsorship
- Man of a thousand names (G Fortune) - Ribbons
- Jeff Minor – Available Resource
- Bill Putt - Signage
- Nick
- Mickey
- Courtney Galloway - Literature
- Aaron Thul – Registration
- Mara Tynan - Referrals
- Jessica Zerwas - Treasurer
- Amy Zrnich – Food track
- Limey Zrnich – Costuming, construction
Program book – front matter
Anyone need to put information into the front of the program book? No one has given information to Dan to add to the program book. Each department needs to write something up. Start with what was used last year if needed.
Have we decided how much an ad is? Jer to email to Dan the rates.
Online scheduling application
Will be discussed at programming meeting to follow. Will probably be the Dabble db again.
PO Box
Matt picked up stuff from it. PO box will soon be owned by the board.
Content management system has been rolled back to PHP script used last year. Ron now has an apprentice.
Some obsolete information is still on the website. If you see any out of date information, email Matt and/or cc the concom member to whom it most closely relates.
Jer brought laptop/PC clings to the meeting. Please take a stack to give away. Just placed an ad in the Capricon book.
Jer needs the artwork for the post cards ASAP, since we'll be at Gamers for Giving on Feb. 27 - 28 at EMU As of two meetings ago, artwork was being worked on. Dan will just use what he has. Once we have them, email [email protected] to get postcards and/or clings to take to out of state conventions you attend. Jer will email the group once postcards are available.
We also want to do an event at Gamers for Giving. Last year, we drew 20 – 30 newcomers from this convention. If people enjoy online gaming, sing up and lets start a Penguicon team. Otherwise, we'll do liquid nitrogen ice cream. Email Jer if you want to get involved in gaming or ice cream at this convention.
Working on finishing up prospectus, photograph driven, of what we do for marketing. If anyone has phtographs of different aspects of what you think represent Penguicon that would attract people who are unfamiliar with our concept of a conception, email them to Jer. Jer would also like a 1 – 2 page online prospectus for people to get an understanding of what we are about, linked from the main page.
End of next week, another payment to the hotel in exchange for a significantly amended contract. We will now have access to the ballroom and other rooms at noon on Friday, the bistro at 3:00 PM.
Room layouts – just getting int to the swing on the programming side. Anyone with a set room, Jer needs a layout. How many tables, approx setup. Drawing not needed. How many chairs. Recognize that there is a chair shortage.
Late checkouts. Concom who are staying late to break down may be eligible for late checkout. Email Jer & Matt to let them know that you are staying late. If you are Concom and haven't reserved your room, please do so. Email Jer with the specific list of requirements you have, along with the name under which the room has been reserved. Include all details. (Example: King bed, non-smoking, quiet area)
You must stay Friday & Saturday to get the room rate.
Tesla coils sound like a go from the FAA standpoint. Only potential stumbling block is where to put them that has power. Jer will email the Tesla dudes to see what the power requirements are to see if we can run it off of Aaron's generators. (This is an alternate solution to the hotel providing power.) Tesla coil show has to end by 10:30 PM. Do need to remember that 2 weeks out the airline is called so that they can warn the pilots.
Bill needs to know what, if anything, to put on the walls for signage. The hotel doesn't like nails or duct tape. The earliest signs can start being put up is noon on Friday.
Jer to verify how many tables can be put in the main lobby. Jer has the phone number for the hotel's ISP. Will call them this week to see if they will give us some static spots in their routing table so that we can refer those addresses back to mirrors on our internal servers.
Aaron working with Google. Scott in contact with ThinkGeek. Jer in contact with UGO. February will be the start of a second push for sponsorships.
EFF is the beneficiary of the auction.
Today, Jer was approached by someone with a great sponsorship idea. If you have any ideas for potential sponsors, whether you have a contact there or not, contact [email protected]. If you do have contacts, please email those as well to Jer.
2008 Rebates
Have we done these? Jess has done most of these, but still waiting for some people to contact her back. Those who have she has sent a check. Jer will contact Jess with the name of someone who feels under approached.
Jess has still not received from anyone any requests for money the departments need to spend. (I.e., money that the departments need to spend now.)
Before handing in receipts, on the back write your name, department, what it was for, and what it was (if not clear on the front). Make a copy of the receipt as well in case it gets lost. Purchases without receipts may not be reimbursed
Next meeting
Feb. 7th Detroit Doubletree Social: noon – 2:00 PM 2:00 PM – meeting, stay overnight in the suites Grab food after
Follow Up Items
- Department Heads
- Give information to Dan for program book by February 28. First draft due by end of February. 1 -2 paragraphs
- Anyone needing a conference/ball/etc. room
- Room layouts due to Jer by March 1. The earlier you get it to Jer the sooner you can get Jer's feedback as to whether it will fly or not. If it can't be described in 2 – 3 sentences, do include a picture.
- Jer
- Email Dan ad rates for program book.
- Matt
- Forward updated rules from board for program book to Dan. Note that these are rough drafts.
- Upload old program book to
- Expand list of items on the web page.
- Everyone
- Let Jer & Matt know if you will be helping with breaking down the convention and thus need a late checkout.
- If you have any ideas for potential sponsors, whether you have a contact there or not, contact [email protected]. If you do have contacts, please email those as well to Jer.
- If anyone has phtographs of different aspects of what you think represent Penguicon that would attract people who are unfamiliar with our concept of a conception, email them to Jer.