Table of Contents
Penguicon ConCom Meeting Minutes
November 29, 2008
- Jer Lance
- Nick Papcun
- Audrey Geiger
- Amy Zrnich
- Randy Bradakis
- Krissy Blanchett
- Sheryl Bradakis
- Bill Putt
- Johnny Skosnik
- Matt Arnold
- Ron Blanchett
- Steve Dehart
- Jess Zerwas
- Limey Zrnich
Meeting called to order 1:21pm
Gaming Spaces
- Bill is not unhappy with the notion of having gaming in the side rooms instead of the consuite
- Discussion of the layout
- We currently have the PVC for the dividers and are obtaining cloth
- Jer and Steve will do a walkthrough to discuss
Nifty Guest Benefits
- Can we give them brazilian beef? Yes, there's no reason not to.
Whuffie System
- Currently stalled waiting on Daniel Eakin
In-House TV System
- We have a guy that wants to use the in-house system
- He might need a camera
- Whoever wants to broadcast on the system needs to contact Jer and Matt so that we can start arranging that.
- Any solution that is chosen will have to be tested in advance.
Promo cards
- We need art from Dan. Dan's not here so we need to table the discussion
- Matt will make the art for the front of the promo cards
- Nick volunteered to be my flier monkey!!!!!! I heart Nick
Restaurant Guide
- Bill Putt will pull together a restaurant guide.
- Can we have local AND chains
- In program book and online
Program Book Front Matter
- If you want anything in the program book, it must be to Dan by the end of January. If you have a department, you need to put something in.
Web Access
- If you have website content, and cannot put it on the site, Cc: the problem AND the content to both Ron and Jer so that we can get content up.
- GoH/Nifty info
- Masquerade
- Dealer Room
- Gaming
- Sponsorship
- Ribbons
- Computer Lounge
- Brazilian Beef
- Chaos Toy
- LAN Party
- Swordfighting
- Concert Track
- Events stuff
Notifications for ConCom meetings and SMOS dinners
- Jess is our new single point of failure for ensuring notification for all events
- ConCom mailing list
- General mailing list
- Penguicon community (LJ)
- Penguicon_news (LJ)
- Google calendar
- SMOS dinner's on Stilyagi
- Michigan Consuite mailing list
- MOWFO mailing list
- Krissy would like more aid in photography
- If you would like to help in any way, please contact Krissy
Post Office Box
- Randy will take over the primary keys
- Kimba to bring her key to Jessica
- Gerald to bring his key to Jer
- Hurry up and reserve rooms before we run out.
- If you have specific requirements, email hotel at penguicon dot org
ACME Deliveries
- Orvan the Ox would like help in the form of suggestions for deliveries
- You can add to his poll…
- You can also email at vakkotaur at
Upcoming Events
- 13 December 2008, Construction meeting, 12pm - 5pm
- 11 January 2009, Audrey's place, 12pm for socialization, 1pm for meeting
Meeting adjourned 2:47pm
penguicon7.0/minutes/2008-11-29-concommeeting.txt · Last modified: 2017/01/14 14:24 by