PenguiCon ConCom meeting, 06/17/06, 2:00 PM
JohnGuest, AaronThul, MattArnold, ShayVanZwoll, MorganKollin, RachelSherman, GeraldGentry, Garrett, RonWilson, KimbaWilson, ChuckChild, RachelWeisenfeld
Penguicon 5.0 will be April 20-22, at the TroyHilton. The Hotel contract is not quite done. At this point there are not serious down-sides to using this facility compared to almost all other ones.
The outdoor area with a tree and gazebo which is central to the semicircle shape of the hotel would be good for smashing pinatas, and possibly swordfighting space, weather permitting.
The business center is too small for Ops. The coat room is ideal for registration and [Ops] to share– it's big. The boardroom table is not removable, but it is ideal for workshops and small gatherings that need a table. One of the Promenade rooms would make a good computer room.
The hotel rooms above the lobby area would be ideal for a party block to centralize the noise. It would be great to have the ChaosToy in the lobby, going up to the balcony, if they'll let us.
They don't use Wayport, and the high-speed wireless internet is free. But the more people access it, the slower it gets.
The situation with credit cards has been changing so much that there now might exist a credit card solution that would work for us. When we investigated it in previous years it was not feasible and worthwhile. AaronThul will look at it again.
Confirmed GoHs include BruceSchneier, JohnKovalic and RandyMilholland.
Potential GoH discussion ensued.
It will be important and advantageous to have a CafePenguicon room party at YoumaCon 2, November 3-5. They have almost no room parties and lots of demand among attendees to go to them, so we would have lots of traffic. We would only need one room.
ShayVanZwoll volunteered to be GoHLiaison for RandyMilholland.
KimbaWilson volunteered to take over the secretarial aspect which used to be in Matt's job when he was MinisterOfCommunications. Specifically, she will send out ConCom meeting reminders every week or so.
Next meeting Saturday, July 22, socializing at 2 PM, meeting at 3 PM, location to be determined.