Penguicon Concom Meeting 2.25.05
Attended by MattArnold, GeraldGentry, JordanMalokofsky, SharNims, AaronThul, KimbaWilson, RonWilson
ConSuite discussion-
Confirmed that the Hotel will provide space in their walk-in fridge, and ice from the kitchen to the ConSuite every day, and a cart for bringing food to dealers. SharNims asks that people please save condiment packets from fast food places to supplement the ConSuite.
Hotel discussion-
The Spirits Lounge space will be available beginning Wednesday (really? I thought it was Thursday evening - Has this been confirmed?) night and will be used for AtTheDoor Registration, Ops, and volunteer signup.
GeraldGentry personally volunteers to show up Thursday afternoon to volunteer for work. He will contact the PenguinWrangler RachelSherman so she can assign him to someone.
PreRegistration numbers –
One hundred and ninety-one. Projected total attendance of 650.
CafePenguicon –
CapriCon results. AaronThul, SusanHarris, BrendanDurrett and Mike went to the Chicago-area convention CapriCon and ran our room party. We took 9 preregistrations of Chicago residents. There will probably not be any more CafePenguicons this year until after PenguiCon.
Programming –
AaronThul put up an online room booking system, which we will open up to people and publicize soon when the rough edges are removed.
KimbaWilson needs to tell the programming team that they need to preregister ProgramParticipants at the discount rate by the end of March. She will not extend the deadline this year.
Unfortunately, due to time and money pressures, JoeBender and ChristineBender have had to resign from their positions running the Charity Auction and Junk Pile Wars. Since we do not have someone to run the CharityAuction, we will have to cancel it this year. The JunkPileWars at least has the equipment, whereas the CharityAuction has no auction items. So as long as we get someone to run JunkPileWars within the next few weeks, this super-popular event can still take place.
GeraldGenty says the at-the-con responsibilities of prizes can be rolled into Ops. But someone will still have to be found to solicit prizes in advance of the con.
Other Business -
We still need Web Registration set up for ConCom and StaffMembers. AaronThul will talk to RonBlanchett.
Now is the time to start sending MattArnold content for the ProgramBook. It's due by the end of March.
Next Meeting Sunday March 19, 1:00 PM socializing, 2:00 PM meeting. Tentatively we will meet at AaronThul's house again, but Aaron will try to arrange to have a meeting at the HolidayInn.