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Penguicon ConCom Meeting – 04-14-2013 Meeting comes to order at 14:14:04
Meeting comes to order at 214
Ari – Banquet Mgr
Josh – Sous Chef
Jessica – Event Manager
Jonathan – Restaurant Manager
Amanda Robinson
Amanda Adams
Four folks from the hotel were in attendance… Ari, Josh, Jessica, and Jonathan. Lots of back and forth and suggestions for food, drink specials, etc. We invited the sous chef to come create a LN2 Ice Cream flavor!
Hotel has 40-50 Easels. Hotel requests names of folks with access to the Kitchen – Lithie to provide. Still need the Serve-Safe certification to be provided to the hotel.
Hotel talked about their awesome $9.95 breakfast buffet. Solicited ideas for grab and go – also talked about making special cocktails for the GOHs.
Nuri requested info for GOH – hotel will make GOH cocktails.
Hotel to provide radios to Ops and Nuri
Don’t wait until the last minute to get your reimbursements!! There’s always a line! Send it to Amanda now if you can. She’ll be there at 2pm on Sunday to take receipts, etc. There is a form, and you do need the signature of your department head.
One day at the door pricing? We have that somewhere. Staff lists are due today. If you have not sent your staff list, you will be demoted to cannon fodder! If you think you should have received a list but did not, you have not sent a list! Do it!
Scott Kennedy has taken over marketing. Yay! Two Media passes have been made available this year. Know anyone in the media who deserves it? Let Ops know. Anyone during the next week – anyone needs to know about Con now? Scott wants to interface with them so he can remind the groups.
Schedule is done. Speakers are being moved around a little due to conflicts. Corrections will be done tonight and the people who need access to it have it already. Dynamic version is also online. Should be all finalized tonight. Excel version will be used by Penguicon TV.
– Carpet plastic now for Lithie. List needs to be made for LN2 Ice Cream!!
GOH Dinner
– concom, guests and liaisons are paid for by the con. Anyone is welcome to come. We’ll have space for as many people as we want. Keep a running tally of who is interested in coming. Sparrow to email lists tonight to RSVP to her.
One more GOH liaison is needed for Nick Farr. Contact Talent@ . Everything is already taken care of, we just need someone to assist him during the weekend. Will need a ride from the airport (that’s the heaviest of lifting)
We will have two this year.
Consuite main will open after opening ceremonies.
Shasta Café opens with registration.
Food track is on the same floor. The whole one half of 11 is mine, she says!
Beer is on order.
Will be announced at opening ceremonies. Raspberry Ale for the Raspberry Pi!
Pop will be on balcony… grab and go.
Open Soda is still raising money. Can the consuite allocate some budget to opensoda? Sparrow says yeah! IF you have the money, do it. Any gifts from their fundraising (indigogo gifts based on donations we send) will go back to the community at closing ceremonies.
Green room
– GOHs have a lot of food allergies. Order should go with the consuite order.
Glycemic Response Team!
Green Room – ConCom, GOH, Liaisons. Two rounds and chairs. Micro Fridge or two.
We have a Sponsor! No Starch Press! Sending a bunch of stuff, sponsoring Michael Lucas!! Their logo goes in the program book. Acknowledgements section.
Prizes… who needs them? Crockpot stuff from the Penguiparty.
Program Book
Cover Art for the Program Book? Matt has an idea. None submitted, so Matt will be taking it. Laser cutting it!
Publication MUST BE DONE BY FRIDAY. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS! Any changes to things must be done by Friday. ORRR ELLSSSEEEEE. The absolute sincere one.
Capsule machine will not be running this year (from Morton’s List). Bill Putt has volunteered to bring the capsules, but he has nothings to put in them. Does anyone want to spearhead that? Get in contact with Bill Putt.
Gaming has no staff. Gaming staffers are responsible for checking games out. Ops has the game library? Some years, game library sat on the table. Tabletop gaming community to police.
Gaming. If you have staff, have staff. Otherwise, games will be on a table.
A full hotel walkthrough was done, where we went over all the blocking and room flips and other room requirements.
Meeting adjourned sometime long after Nuri stopped taking notes.