Meeting called to order at 1506 Introductions. Hooray, new people (welcome!)
Sparrow's Announcements:
The board is looking for an additional member. If you’re interested, the board would love to meet you. We‘re going to hold a meeting on Saturday afternoon at Penguicon. Also, feel free to talk to any of the existing board members if you want more information.
What’s the board looking for? General board member. Basic requirements: four meetings a year. The board does not impact the yearly running of the con, only things that happen on a more permanent basis. Matt says you don’t really do anything. The board handles taxes, large purchases, infrastructure that is used for multiple years, electing the conchair, and approving con budget.
Pengui-Party. Come hang out with your pengui-peeps, and have a CONCOM MEETING beforehand. Pengui-party is at 18:00 on 9-FEB-2013. The concom meeting will be held at 1600. Both will be held in the concierge lounge at the new hotel (our consuite).
Food and bev suggestions were floated: Jimmy Johns, Pizza, Kegs, Sodas. Nothing decided yet.
Work with Lithie? Which budget does this come out of?
This is a really good opportunity to brinhg friends who may be helping out in other way. If they’re interested in contributing, or have been turned off by things in the past. Tell your friends that we have almost a brand new entire staff. Come eat our food, hang out and talk.
REG: need to sell reg there Marketing: Need flyers to give to people, Adrienne is working on that Programming cards Matt may just make a new logo
Budget is approved, 40k. Cash is going to the concom member, see your member for $$. Think about how you can save money as the budget approved is 10k less than requested.
Staffing: Need Lit and Food track members. Food track is a ton of fun!
Hotel: Can we have roller skates? Inside and out…?
Ops: Ops meeting afterward!
Website: Mara access to ops email. Program ops email box? James to reset password grant access.
Treasurer: Amanda is not doing room parties this year.
If you have any expenses, Email treasurer@ to get an expense report form. Fill out, get it approved by a department head, and we can send you a check or paypal. Need the approved expense report. Get it approved before you spend it if you’re paranoid.
A new person named Jessica will be doing room parties. Due to the limited number of suites, they must be booked through room party/hotel@ penguicon. If the party will be in adjoining rooms, we must have the confirmation numbers. PLUS, if you're having a room party, you need to fill out this link to ensure you're on a noisy floor:
Hospitality is doing well. Registration – day passes vs children passes, etc.
Misha is doing ribbons! Hooray! He is working on an online form. Just don't miss his deadline, or you may be a “too late, suckas” message.
Talent wrangler is doing an awesome job…. GOHs should be announced in a few weeks. Do we do contracts for GOHs? No. There’s a list of questions we ask from GOHs…. Matt is forwarding it, confirmed that he's already forwarded it. Talent wrangler is named Kyle. We have a list of possible GOHs, we have about six… as soon as we have absolute confirmation, we’ll get that list and throw it out to the community! By the party, we should be able to announce that.
Sparrow is working overtime. Thursday is off, and will be dedicated to Penguicon. She will answer all emails and she will get to them then.
Programming and Ops meeting happening afterward.
Adrienne needs access to Facebook and Twitter… add to list of things to be sent to James.
Meeting adjoirned at 3:37.