Penguicon Planning Meeting
December 16, 2012
Corner Street Brewery
720 Norris Street
Ypsilanti, MI 48198
Attendance: Sparrow, Tim, James, John, Nuri, Janet, Richard, Matt, Adrien, Skennedy, Christine (Google+)
- Budget is currently operating as the same as last year's budget. ConCom will stay the same. Programming should look for info from Tim. Everything is subject to tweaking and then cuts as we get hotel confirmed before final board approval.
- Wiki: ConCom, Track Heads, Staff, should all go for it and provide adequate, updated information. For those who do not have access to the wiki, they may forward their information to James Hice.
- Next Meeting: January 20 – 3PM ConFusion (No attmittance needed if you come only for the meeting) Room to be announced. DoubleTree @Ford Road and Southfield
- Nuri takes over hotel officially.
Ops – N/A Program Ops – N/A Treasury – N/A Sponsorship – N/A
Volunteers (via email) – would like to do physical woofies this year to keep some consistency from previous years. Someone needs to contact Dennis to notify him of this so he can design this year's form.
Programming – The previous Literature Track Head has resigned due to time conflicts. Tim will first invite a few members who have expressed interest to take this position. If none accept, a general invitation will be announced. Food track has shown some interest, but no confirmations. Tim will handle requests in these tracks if not new Track Heads emerge.
Marketing - Been waiting for the hotel to be set in order to start in earnest.
Hotel – Nuri has been engaged in meetings since officially taking over the position, and working like crazy to get us some viable options. Because of our timing, spacing could be an issue with the available options. The former Crown Plaza in Romulus (we have used in the past), a Sheraton (with beautiful space, but somewhat uninterested in working with us) and the Westin Southfield (Amazing space, but less favorable weekends available) have been considered. The Auburn Hills Marriot at Centerpoint is reviewed as the best option for Penguicon 2013. The building is newer, with a full restaurant, and more lounge/meetup space, but slightly less function space that previous years. Consensus with those present, and confirmed by the Con Chair, we will sign a contract with The Marriott at Centerpoint for April 26-28.
And there was much rejoicing.
Meeting adjourned.