October 2012 Meeting Minutes and Agenda
- hotel updates
- budget needs
- wiki updates
- themes
- email reminders
Next meeting November 11, 2012 1pm at i3Detroit
October 7th, 2012 - Tracey's Cafe - Warren, MI
- Sparrow (ConChair)
- Tim Slovik (Programming)
- James Hice (Tech, Community)
- Matt Arnold (Program Book, Signage/Graphics)
- Amanda Long-Adams (Treasurer)
- Adrienne Patterson (Marketing)
- Amanda Robinson (Registration)
- Ben and Jo James (MaYheM Support, Dealer's Room)
- Mike Bader - LAN Solutions, Inc. (Attendee)
Pre-Meeting Items Discussed:
- Two complete sets of Dominion card games (including all expansions) have been purchased by the Penguicon Board.
- Enthusiasm led to plans of a “Play Dominion with the ConChair” to be programmed for the con.
- The Convention days will have some thematic continuity, including the way programming occurs. Friday: Pirates/Cap'n Sparrow; Saturday: Masks (Including the Masquerade and Prom); Sunday - “Goodbye and thanks for all the fish!”
- Linux Instructors will be invited from local college campuses.
Meeting Agenda
Next Meeting:
- November 11, 2012 - 1:00-3:00PM at i3Detroit (1481 Wordsworth, Ferndale, MI)
Next Meetups:
- October 20 SMOS Dinner, October 21, 2012 Cedar Point Halloweekend (See announcement emails for details)
- Conchair is currently looking at a contract, and an official announcement is coming.
- Preliminary dates are April 19-21, held in the building used last year under different ownership/management.
- Discussion of using additional space (if hotel allows) to provide more lounge space, potential “snack room” to allow quick access and additional seating and curtail crowding problems.
- ConChair and Treasurer are looking over past budgets and will get new budget approved once hotel details are confirmed.
- Programming budgets will be determined and announced after total budget approval.
- Registration system is being determined over the next month
- paper registrations will be accepted if necessary;
- Landyards/Pins and recycling will be options again this year.
- New artwork will be designed by Tim Slovik to use for badges, which will correspond with theme being used on tshirts and website.
- Food Track Head is needed
- Charity Project Manager is needed.
- DIY and Green are being utilized into all tracks (to reflect wishes of the ConChair).
- Tech will be larger and separated into subtracks
- The wiki page for programming will reflect all preliminary events, panels, demos, etc. as they are submitted to give advance notice and entice attendees.
- The deadline for track heads to provide panels to Tim is March 8th.
- Talent Wrangler is now active and enthusiastically inviting Guests of Honor with the ConChair.
- Send suggestions or established “celebrity” contacts to [email protected]
- No update needed until hotel confirmation.
Wiki Page:
- Staff page has now been fully updated.
- Feel free to look for openings or contact current staff to provide assistance.
- An information packet will be developed by Tim and Sparrow to be available to anyone to present to groups, clubs, etc. in order to attract attendees or participation at the con.
- Idea to use traffic cones or other device to identify active gaming tables looking for participants.
Dealer Room:
- Information is needed as soon as possible to provide application to potential dealers.
- Application deadline will be January 1st.
- Notification to dealers will be mid-February.
minutes/2012-10-7-concommeeting.txt · Last modified: 2017/01/14 14:24 by