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Penguicon Concom Meeting
Feb 5, 2012, started noon, ended 3:30 PM
In attendance, in alphabetical order:
- Unordered List ItemAudrey Geiger, Marketing
- Chuck Child, Conchair
- Clint “Empire”, Music Track
- Cylithria Dubois, Head of Hospitality
- Dan “Oxling” Eckerd, Logistics
- Jamie Liss, drag show
- James Hice, Communication
- Jody Raiford, Eco Track
- Jon Wallace
- Keliin Parsons
- Matt Arnold, Program Book
- Mel Gilchrist
- Scott Kennedy
- Sparrow Slovik, Head of Programming
bring a 1st time attendee incentive program
Audrey suggested a program to give a $5 reimbursement to anyone who
invited a first-time attendee to Penguicon.
We talked about how it has
been done before and went really well. We put a field in the
registration form “If this will be your first Penguicon, who invited
you?” Everyone seemed to like this idea. Chuck likes the idea but says
our first priority is to get our registration system working at all.
pre-con marketing party
Party on the 17th at the hotel will be for marketing purposes. We will take pictures and video of the hotel. Convention will provide pizza, snacks, soda, in the consuite space.
There was a discussion of Guests of Honor.
food and consuite stuff
Cylithria asked if we have cold food storage. No. Who arranges for renting one and which line item does it come out of? Is it going up into the consuite storage room, so it has to fit in an elevator?
Where will the food track store their supplies such as LN2? Answer: food track program presenter needs to store their own food.
Food presentations are in a guest room. Does it include alcohol? Because alcohol is not allowed in function space. Sparrow will ask Jer.
Lucy Kennedy(head of the food track) says, by mobile text, food track is half the Consuite. Consuite has 4 rooms and 2 of them will be for programming.
Green room: Cylithria will get with Jer to find out if a green room is possible.
Matt will make a sign for Cylithria reading “If you depend on ConSuite for your nourishment, YOU WILL DIE.”
Mel will look into food trucks that might wish to come to the parking
lot; Chuck will talk to Jer about whether the hotel has a problem with
mobile vending.
– it has been noted that we should not to do this
Scott wanted to talk about marketing Penguicon in new ways. Jody suggested we go back to putting ads on podcasts. Cylithria will submit press releases to the papers two weeks before con. Matt will forward our past press release to her and Audrey.
Sparrow says we have an online presenter application that goes into a Google Spreadsheet.
We will change the twitter feed icon and website favicon to the new thing we're supposed to use. Matt will send it to James Hice.
How will equipment will be handled this year (projectors, sound systems)? Sparrow will ask Aaron Thul about getting it.
Sparrow is sending our Nifty Guests an invitation certificate in the mail in addition to their email invitation.
Sparrow says everyone needs to provide their own storage. Penguicon cannot provide storage to people.
con chair
In answer to a question from Mel, Chuck says, although the Head of Volunteering (Anne Carey) is not here and he has to check, you work your set number of hours and you get whatever you paid for your badge reimbursed (if the con breaks even).
Chuck says he will ask the board of directors if he can remove the “if the con breaks even” caveat.
Acme Delivery
Orvan the Delivery Ox is looking for ideas of things to deliver to people at the convention. Or email the Ox at: orvan_ox [at] acme-delivery [dot] com
more business
Keliin volunteered to be the photographer for the Geek Prom. She also suggested instead of King and Queen of the prom, we have Beauty and the Geek. This suggestion received general acclaim.
Consuite needs staff. Soon Cylithria will give a Consuite staff application form to James Hice, James Gamble and Krunal Desai to link to a Google Document.
Jon Wallace asked what Operations related positions are open. We discussed the Marketing slot.
Scott Kennedy is Minister Without Portfolio.
Origami Yoda should be in the notes.
next meeting
The next meeting is February 18 at the Hyatt Regency Dearborn. Pre-meeting at 11AM, meeting 12 to 3 PM.
Meeting ended at 3:30 PM.