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Meeting Minutes: 8/20/2011

formatting needs to be changed majorly

  • (feel free to fix)

People in Attendance: Jer Lance The Benders (Joe and Christine) Trevor Sarah Slovik James Hice

To Do: GoHs

 Trevor will work on emails to goes 


 can’t comp badges 
 Ops has power strips...we shouldn’t have to pay for them 

(programming) Deadlines by January: how many rooms do we have/how many programming needs AV

this is new firm count


info packs for reg to hand outs to participants
list of participants needs to be sent to Reg early
	Trevor to write letter of thanks for these packets
paper schedule for the wall schedule, one page per hour per room color coded per day
new vinyl sign, Jer will request the requestee to make an SVG
admin overhead
	1-2 whiteboards
	cashbox for ops
ribbons should be distributed via ops
	should also go in participants packet
rent printer for the con
	question of cost: need to get back to Trevor by September ...nevermind... $150   

NOTE: we are not doing ala cart payments for various things outside of dealers room and reg


unspent budget from last year
planning for next year, encouraging people to spend wisely
room parties? prizes, packets 
Geek Prom
videos game - rent hardware for 

reg needs to have budget updated Trevor is waiting for it.


pre-sell normal shirts through the tshirt company we’ve used before...
pre-sell professional shirts possibly through the same company

Next Meeting

Date: TBD Location Tentatively at Hotel

minutes/2011-08-20-concommeeting.txt · Last modified: 2017/01/14 14:24 by