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2013 variety/drag show

As with all things penguicon we have open sourced the drag show, so it's anything but a drag. You remember the old car sales pitches? Drag, Push or pull it in. Well the penguicon variety/drag show is just like that. Drag your butt in push yourself up on stage and pull the audience in to your performance. Dress up, dress down or, dress like someone else. Entertain or be entertained. Perform live or lip sync. Dance it up or just stand petrified and perform it. We don't judge your performance this is just for fun.

drag show 2012 web write up

The amazing world of Drag King and Drag Queens! Ever wonder how they pull it off? Whether you're a first timer, a seasoned regular, or just curious - come join us at the Drag 101 workshop and find out! For those interested - you'll get a chance to strut your stuff on the runway at our very own Drag Show. Drag not your thing but want to perform? Not a problem come on over and join the fun. You may perform as male to male or female to female or what ever gender you wish even if that is none at all.

If you have any questions or are willing to lend your expertise to our workshop, please don't hesitate to contact us at DragShow @ Penguicon.

email list of what is needed

Have you ever wanted to know what it was like to be a “King” for a day? Or maybe a “Queen” for a night? Well your opportunity has arrived. At Penguicon there will be a Drag Show. So come on join us and get transformed.

Drag not your thing but want to perform? Not a problem come on over and join the fun. You may perform as male to male or female to female or what ever gender you wish even if that is none at all.

If you have any questions or need more information about the show please contact DragShow @ Penguicon

Prior to the show there will also be a workshop to sign up at. This where there will people to help you get ready for the show.

These are a few things that you should have in preparation for the show:

1. 2 or 3 songs that you may want to perform. Please bring these on a CD and pre-edited to be within 3 to 5 minutes. (I suggest so many just in case someone else picks the same song as you or if we can you may get to perform twice.)

2. 1 or 2 outfits that you would feel comfortable enough to perform in. Accessories to help finish off your outfit. (We have been collecting donation clothes but the supply of those are limited.)

Below are some things that will be on hand but if you wanted to bring your own that would be greatly appreciated as well.

1. A hairstyle that will reflect your transformation. (Women something that will look masculine when done. Men a wig or a way to do your natural hair that will look feminine.)

2. A crème based foundation that matches your natural skin tone.

3. A powder that matches your natural skin tone.

4. A powder that is 2 to 3 shades darker than your natural skin tine.

5. A powder that is 2 to 3 shades lighter than your natural skin tone.

6. White eye shadow

7. Eyeliner (Men a color that will compliment your eye shadow choices and women a color that will compliment your hair as it can be used as facial hair)

8. A medium sized blush brush and a pressed powder puff.

Things that are specific for the woman to man transformation:

1. 2 Ace bandages of 4” width or greater. If you have a compression vest or something else that will help to bind down your breasts.

2. Crepe hair and spirit gum. There will be some of this available so if you can’t find it don’t fear.

Things that are specific for the man to woman transformation:

1. A dark eye shadow and a contrasting lighter colored eye shadow.

2. Lipstick

3. Breasts.

Please email DragShow @ Penguicon if you have any questions, comments or suggestions.

Drag Show 2011

The amazing world of Drag King and Drag Queens! Ever wonder how they pull it off? Whether you're a first timer, a seasoned regular, or just curious - come join us at the Drag 101 workshop and find out! For those interested - you'll get a chance to strut your stuff on the runway at our very own Drag Show. Drag not your thing but want to perform? Not a problem come on over and join the fun. You may perform what ever gender you wish even if that is none at all. Any money that is raised by the drag show will be donated to a charity that is still to be determined.

Donations of all sizes of mens and women's clothing for costumes are being accepted. If you have any questions or are willing to lend your expertise to our workshop, please don't hesitate to contact us at DragShow @ Penguicon.

Have you ever wanted to know what it was like to be a “King” for a day? Or maybe a “Queen” for a night? Well your opportunity has arrived. Friday night at Penguicon there will be a Drag Show. So come on join us and get transformed. If you have any questions or need more information about the show please contact DragShow @ Penguicon

This year we will be doing this as a charity raising event. We are asking that the performers donate their tips they receive from the audience. All money collected will given to Affirmations, a wonderful LGBT center in Ferndale, MI. Also, donations of clothing will be accepted for use during the show. Any clothing left over will be also donated to Affirmations.

Prior to the show there will also be a workshop starting at 8pm where there will people to help you get ready for the show.

These are a few things that you should have in preparation for the show:

1. 2 or 3 songs that you may want to perform. Please bring these on a CD and pre-edited to be within 3 to 5 minutes. (I suggest so many just in case someone else picks the same song as you or if we can you may get to perform twice.)

2. 1 or 2 outfits that you would feel comfortable enough to perform in. Accessories to help finish off your outfit. (We have been collecting donation clothes but the supply of those are limited.)

Below are some things that will be on hand but if you wanted to bring your own that would be greatly appreciated as well.

1. A hairstyle that will reflect your transformation. (Women something that will look masculine when done. Men a wig or a way to do your natural hair that will look feminine.)

2. A crème based foundation that matches your natural skin tone.

3. A powder that matches your natural skin tone.

4. A powder that is 2 to 3 shades darker than your natural skin tine.

5. A powder that is 2 to 3 shades lighter than your natural skin tone.

6. White eye shadow

7. Eyeliner (Men a color that will compliment your eye shadow choices and women a color that will compliment your hair as it can be used as facial hair)

8. A medium sized blush brush and a pressed powder puff.

Things that are specific for the woman to man transformation:

1. 2 Ace bandages of 4” width or greater. If you have a compression vest or something else that will help to bind down your breasts.

2. Crepe hair and spirit gum. There will be some of this available so if you can’t find it don’t fear.

Things that are specific for the man to woman transformation:

1. A dark eye shadow and a contrasting lighter colored eye shadow.

2. Lipstick

3. Breasts.

Please email DragShow @ Penguicon if you have any questions, comments or suggestions.

dragshow.txt · Last modified: 2017/01/14 14:24 by