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ConVersation is our new Michigan Relax-A-Con. The first one will be held at the Doubletree Hotel Novi in Novi, Michigan July 28-30, 2006. A Relax-A-Con by it's nature has no programming track although we are planning a dance on Saturday night and maybe a pool party or two (the hotel has an indoor as well as outdoor pool, each with a hot tub!). We also plan to have an awesome 24/7 consuite for your culinary cravings. But, mostly it's a chance to socialize with all your fannish friends without having to worry about missing that all important panel. We urge you to pre-register as soon as possible (you can do this at our website). for more information on the con as well as the hotel.

conversation.txt · Last modified: 2017/01/14 14:24 by