Table of Contents
Code of Conduct
Penguicon 2015's Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct has not changed from 2014, please see it below.
Penguicon 2014's Code of Conduct
Penguicon is committed to fostering an environment of comfort and safety for everyone, regardless of gender, sexuality, relationship status, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, national origin, or religion. We will not tolerate any form of harassment of convention participants. Con participants found to be engaging in harassment may be expelled from the con without refund and/or banned from future attendance.
What is harassment?
Harassment includes:
- making offensive verbal comments, facilitating an unwelcoming environment, or preventing any attendee from entering or participating in con events based on gender, sexuality, relationship status, impairment, physical appearance, body size, race, national origin, or religion
- showing sexual images or conducting discussion about sexual topics in public spaces when the images or discussions do not allow attendees the opportunity to leave beforehand or are not presented in a respectful manner
- intimidation, stalking, or following
- photographing or recording someone without their consent
- sustained disruption of talks or other events
- uninvited physical contact
- uninvited sexual attention
This applies to electronic communication as well as physical. Participants must not engage in harassment at any convention venues or convention-related social event. Participants asked to stop harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately. A convention free of harassment is the responsibility of every member of the community.
What should I do if I am being harassed?
If you feel comfortable attempting to resolve the situation yourself, try asking the person to stop, saying “no” or “please leave me alone,” or walking away. We would appreciate it if Operations was still informed to help us identify any repeat offenders. If you feel threatened or unsafe, or if your attempts to resolve the situation yourself are unsuccessful, please seek help immediately.
If you are harassed or notice someone else being harassed, go to Operations for help. If you feel that you are in any danger, find any member of the ConCom or Staff (distinguished by the ConCom or Staff ribbons on their badges) to stay with you while Operations is notified. Operations will help participants contact venue security or law enforcement, provide escorts, or otherwise assist in creating a positive space for the duration of the con. Penguicon encourages participants to consider the possibility of reporting any rape, assault, or other unlawful activity to law enforcement. We ask that all attendees try to foster an environment where speaking out is fully supported. Retaliating against a person who reports or complains about harassment will not be tolerated.
Should you choose to report harassment to Penguicon, you can expect a member of our ConCom to be called in to provide support, investigate, and take the necessary actions to ensure that the situation is handled with the utmost care and concern with clear and concise actions. Penguicon reserves the right to remove attendees from the con and/or ban future attendance if harassment and safety guidelines are not followed. The Penguicon Board will maintain a record of harassment reports.
Social Interactions
- People deemed confrontational in any way that interferes with the enjoyment of other convention goers will be expected to perform Nerf combat, then let it go.
- People commonly wear costumes at conventions. Please be respectful by not touching them or their costume without a clear invitation. Silence does not equal consent.
- The display of bondage gear or fetish clothing in public is controversial, but acceptable at the convention. We would recommend that it is most appropriate in the evenings. However please keep BD/SM scenes or play in your room to avoid non-consensual experiences for others.
- Proper attire shall be worn at all times in public and function areas which includes covering all bits that would have to be covered if one were outdoors. Further, all attendees must wear footwear on the main floor at all times. Failure to be properly attired could mean immediate removal from the premises by the hotel without refund.
- Please keep your public displays of affection rated PG-13.
Physical Activities
- Respect your own physical safety and the safety of others, please.
- Weapons, real or simulated, should remain secured and not be brandished about. Check out next section for what’s allowed at the con. (Hint: “Slice” is bad. “Boom” is worse.)
- No sleeping in the lobby is permitted. Volunteers in need of a place to sleep can use their Whuffies to purchase a place to sleep in the Penguin Pit.
Costume Weapons
- Bladed weapons and replica firearms are allowed at Penguicon, either as parts of costumes or as part of dealer displays or pre-arranged martial arts displays. Blades that are part of costumes must be peace-bonded, and can only be displayed openly when worn as part of the entire costume. Blades and/or firearms should never be carried openly by themselves in the hotel.
- Replica and toy firearms are allowed, but not weapons which can actually fire any potentially damaging projectiles (or which could ever have). This means that actual pistols, rifles, bb guns, crossbows, and any similar weaponry are not allowed, even if they have been altered so that they can not be fired. Convention staff cannot take responsibility for making an error in evaluating the weapon.
- No weapon can be brought to the convention if it contains gunpowder or any other explosive in any quantity. This means that caps for cap guns, blanks for starter pistols, bullets, or anything else with potential for explosion or fire will not be permitted. Also, costume items that contain or use an open flame or heating element are not allowed. (Note: to clarify for those bringing firearms for the “Geeks with Guns” event at the offsite range, the above items pertain to public display and costumes. Please be safe, sane and discreet.)
Alcohol and Drugs
- As part of con hospitality, Penguicon will be serving beer during evening and late night hours in the ConSuite. There may also be other events that will include beer, wine, or other alcoholic beverages.
- Penguicon volunteers will be checking IDs before serving any alcoholic beverages. You must be 21 or over in order to drink.
- Proof of age will be required at the point of service, not during registration. In other words, you must bring your ID to the ConSuite and to parties in order to drink. Con badges will NOT indicate age or be accepted as proof of age. Acceptable forms of ID are drivers’ licenses, state issued picture IDs, military IDs, and passports.
- Anyone seen to be violating state drinking laws (for instance, by providing alcohol to someone under 21) will not be allowed into the ConSuite. Repeated or major violations may result in removal of the violators from the hotel.
- Open alcoholic beverages should not be brought into convention function rooms or consumed in the public spaces of the hotel.
- Room parties in guest rooms are welcome to provide hospitality (potentially including serving alcohol). Each party must comply with the regulations imposed by the hotel, the state, and the convention related to alcohol and alcohol service. Have fun — sensibly!
- Do not take open alcoholic beverages out of the ConSuites or private rooms where they are served. Caffeine, however, may be consumed in any location.
- Please confine the use of any illegal drugs to another venue.
- Please refrain from smoking in the hotel.
- A special smoking area (or areas) will be provided, labelled and announced for your convenience. Anyone caught smoking outside of designated areas will be treated as though they were on fire.
Parental Concerns
- Penguicon is intended for adults. Parents bring their children at their own risk. There are some panel topics inappropriate for children. Some convention functions involve costumes and activities inappropriate for children.
- Children under 12 should be accompanied by an adult. We ask that parents not use the Chaos Machine or the Gaming Room as babysitting.
Swimming Pool
- Pool hours will be posted, please pay attention to them!
- If you have children, please supervise them.
- Don’t drink and swim.
- Be courteous to other users of the area.
- Be safe.
- Try to keep your swim attire on, please.
Game Room
- Eating and drinking are allowed in gaming, but please take extra care not to spill, and please properly dispose of all empty containers and waste materials.
- Anyone under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult. Additionally, anyone under the age of 18 must carry contact information for a parent or legal guardian at all times. Gaming staff will ask anyone who is unwilling to comply to leave.
- Please respect the staff in the game room and comply with any requests, or you will be asked to leave.
- Please be very careful with our game library.
- Win or lose, please play fair and have fun.
- The ConSuite bathrooms are for storage purposes only.
- Shoes and Shirts are required for entry.
- Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
- Please do not sleep in the ConSuite.
- Dispose of any pop cans in recycle bins and your trash in trash cans. We need your help to keep the ConSuite clean for everyone.
- Alcohol may not leave the ConSuite’s doors. Period. Even if you carry it into the ConSuite, once it is in our ConSuite you must consume it, or dispose of it prior to departure, no exceptions.
- The ConSuite is not meant to provide every meal, and cannot provide for all dietary restrictions.
Penguicon 2013's Code of Conduct
In 2013, we put our Harassment Policy online, but not our full Code of Conduct.
The following text appeared in the Penguicon 2013 Souvenir Book, and has been published there annually for several years previous:
- Penguicon is committed to fostering an environment of comfort and safety for all. Attendees are expected to treat one another with respect and courtesy. We don’t all have to like or agree with each other, but it’s Penguicon’s expectation that we’ll remain civil and respectful. Harassment of any kind, including physical assault, sexual assault, battery, deliberate intimidation, threats, stalking, unwelcome physical attentions, and persistent “physical-presence spamming” will not be tolerated. This applies to electronic communication as well as physical. If someone tells you to leave them alone, do so. Please report any of the above to Operations or any member of the ConCom so that we can address the issue. Likewise, if you witness any of the above, please bring the situation to Operations. If you feel that you are in any danger, please find any member of the ConCom or staff (distinguished by the ConCom or Staff ribbons on their badges) to stay with you while Operations is notified.
- Regardless of gender, flirtation, or clothing choices, please remember to be respectful and never touch someone without expressed consent. If you are not sure of whether you have an invitation to interact with someone in a specific way, ASK! Communication is sexy. If you are not sure what constitutes harassment, err on the side of caution. Keep in mind that no means no: if you’re asked to stop doing something or to leave someone alone, please do so immediately. If you continue to attempt to have contact with people who have asked you to leave them alone, you will be removed from the premises and may be barred from future Penguicons.
- Some Penguicon attendees who are over 21 may choose to drink alcohol. If you want to interact with someone in any sexual way, make sure that person is capable of giving consent. To do otherwise and take advantage of someone’s temporary incapacity is unsafe, unethical, and more importantly, illegal.
- Some Penguicon attendees are under 18 years of age. It is your responsibility to ensure that you’re alert to this, to take particular care with anyone you suspect might be underage, and to ask if you’re unsure. If you are an adult, don’t flirt or make any romantic overtures toward attendees under 18. Do not ask to touch them in any way that their parents, your parents, the ConChair’s parents, or Chris Hansen’s parents would not approve of. Just don’t.
- If you’ve been harassed, have witnessed harassment, or have other concerns about any Penguicon attendees,please notify Operations or any other member of ConCom. Penguicon reserves the right to remove attendees from the con and/or ban future attendance if harassment and safety guidelines are not followed.
- The buck doesn’t stop with Penguicon when it comes to assault and other illegal activities. If you’ve been victimized, Penguicon staff encourage you to get medical attention and any other help you might need, whether it’s available inside or outside the convention environment. Consider the possibility of reporting any rape or assault to law enforcement. Penguicon staff will be happy to assist you with this if you wish, and we ask that all attendees try to foster an environment where speaking out is fully supported.
- The display of bondage gear or fetish clothing in public is controversial, but acceptable at the convention. We would recommend that it is most appropriate in the evenings. However please keep BD/SM scenes or play in your room to avoid non-consensual experiences for others.
- Please keep your public displays of affection rated PG-13.
Every year, Penguicon lists its Code of Conduct on the web site for that year as well as in our Souvenir or Program book. This Code of Conduct changes from year to year as the Con Committee makes changes to better serve all our attendees.
Our convention's Board of Directors have an abbreviated policy that each year must adhere to, with the expectation that each year will elaborate as they feel necessary.
Board of Director's language
This is the Board of Director's mandated list of rules as of March 12th, 2016. Additional rules are decided upon by each year's Convention planning team.
The Convention retains the right, at any time and with or without refund, to remove anyone determined to be disrupting the event. This could also result in a ban of the person from future events.
Guest Cancellation Policy:
Our Guests of Honor and other invited Guests commit to attending Penguicon long in advance of the actual event. Along the way (and generally at the very last moment!) circumstances beyond everyone's control may happen, resulting in the Guest not being able to attend the convention as planned. Penguicon can make no guarantee that a particular guest will be able to attend the convention, and can not be liable for the results of a Guest's cancellation.
Parental Concerns:
Children ages 12 and under are welcome at the convention. However, parents should be aware that Penguicon does not provide any programming or services for children age 12 or under, and requires that a registered convention attendee always accompany these children. Unaccompanied children are not allowed into non-public convention areas and functions. Please also consider that some convention topics may not be appropriate for young children, and that some evening and night convention functions may involve attendee costume and activities possibly inappropriate for children. Penguicon cannot be held responsible for any unaccompanied minors.
As part of our hospitality, Penguicon may serve alcoholic beverages in the Consuites. There may also be other events that will do so. We ask that everyone observe the law and follow these rules regarding alcohol.
1. Penguicon will be checking IDs before serving any alcoholic beverages. In Michigan you must be 21 or over in order to drink.
2. Proof of age will be required at the point of service, not during registration. In other words, you must bring your ID to the Consuite in order to drink. Con badges will NOT indicate age, or be accepted as proof of age. Acceptable forms of ID are driver licenses, state issued picture IDs, military IDs, and passports.
3. Violations of state drinking laws will not be tolerated.
4. Room parties in guest rooms are welcome to provide hospitality (potentially serving alcohol). Each party will need to decide how to handle appropriate alcohol management. Penguicon asks only that everyone comply with hotel rules, and that all parties follow state drinking laws. We hope that everyone has a wonderful time!
5. Please follow the law and hotel rules in regards to open containers of alcohol.
Other mind altering behaviors:
- Sleep deprivation and various states of -glycemia are too often overlooked when considering mindaltering behaviors. Be good to yourself by getting some sleep in each 24-hour period, as well as at least one non-junk-food meal in the same time frame. You'll save yourself the trouble of feeling physically exhausted and unendurably moody. The 5-2-1 rule is a good recommendation: 5 hours of sleep, two meals and one shower per day.
- Do not take open alcoholic beverages out of the ConSuites or private rooms where they are served. Caffeine, however, may be consumed in any location.
-Please confine the use of any illegal drugs to another venue.
-Although there is some debate, we choose to consider meditation and chanting as potentially mind-altering behaviors. If you choose to perform either, please do so in a place that will not impede pedestrians, vehicles, or a Fire Exit.
Weapons Policy:
Bladed weapons and replica firearms are often found at Penguicon either as parts of costumes, or as part of dealer displays or pre-arranged martial arts displays. Please follow the law and hotel rules in regards to weapons.
Fire-related items are prohibited except within previously approved official events. No explosives or exploding items are allowed at Penguicon.
Weapons, real or simulated, should remain secured and not be brandished about.
The Convention may contain weapons related events such as sword-fighting demonstrations, the “Geeks with Guns” event, or weapons sales in the dealer room. Items for these events are specifically allowed. Be aware that using a weapon is dangerous and should only be done in approved areas. Swinging a sword at a dealers' table should never be done.
The display of bondage gear or fetish clothing in public is controversial, but acceptable at the convention. We would recommend that it is most appropriate in the evenings. However, please keep kink play in a private room to avoid non-consensual experiences for others.
Social Interactions:
Penguicon is committed to fostering an environment of comfort and safety for everyone. To achieve this, attendees should refrain from actions that a reasonable person would feel would limit, or threaten to limit, the safe enjoyment of the convention by another person. Violations of this guideline can be reported to either Penguicon Convention management or any Penguicon Board member.
Final Words:
Again, please follow the law and hotel rules. You are responsible for your own actions.