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Action / Adventure is a series of somewhat loosely related events, having as a common theme the call to high adventure and one's response to that call - in literature, the cinema, and in real life. We have a strong series of presentations on the Western Martial Arts, examinations of stunt fighting as it is portrayed and choreographed in the movies, and other related topics. In part, it is a re-creation of the (prior to year 2010) "Mayhem" track, but we intend for it to be so much more.

For 2014, we are pleased and honored to have the Polaris Fellowship of Weapons Study return to give us practical instruction in the use of various deadly pointed and edged things. In addition, there will be several sessions lead by representatives from Aegis Academy of Swordsmanship LLC, who have generously presented their material in years past. We will also bring back the always popular “Open Source Martial Arts” information swap session.

The track head for 2014 is John D. Bell, who also is the event coordinator for "Geeks with Guns". (Come to think of it, guns are an important part of the Western Martial Arts tradition in the last 350 years.)

Please email John if you have any questions, or suggestions for how to make this track more awesome!

actionadventuretrack.txt · Last modified: 2017/01/14 14:24 by